Looking Ahead:
Visalia Livestock Market
Check out the Roundup tab to see our internet sale schedule
Wednesday, October 2nd
Regular Sale
Wednesday, October 9th
Good Sale...good run on all classes
Good Sale....expecting a good offering on all classes
Wednesday, October 23rd
Templeton Livestock Market & Buellton Receiving Yards
** We will be receiving cattle on Sundays and Mondays from 8 to 4 at Templeton and 8 to 2 Buellton. All other times can be arranged by calling Kelli or Shirley to meet your needs. Cattle will be shipped to our livestock market in Visalia. We are dedicated to the cattlemen and cattlewomen of this area and will continue to serve you and make sure your cattle bring the top of the market! Please let us know if you have any questions.